Friday, May 29, 2009

GOP Suicide Watch, Ctd.

Rich Lowry of The National Review provides a valuable clue to the current state of thinking on the Right when he asserts that no judge with articulated "tribal affiliations" can be trusted to be a neutral arbiter of the law. Apart from the blithe way in which Lowry insults almost everyone (true to Young Republican Turk form), catch the implication: that only white Christian males (and the occasional deracinated minority such as Clarence Thomas) will be fair Constitutional umpires, because they have no "tribal affiliations" to distort their impartiality. This is preposterous, of course; white Christian conservative males are as capable of tribalism, for good or ill, as anyone else -- and their behavior during the Obama administration amply demonstrates this.

"White," "Christian," and "male" are not the default settings for humanity -- nor, happily, for the new American electorate.

POSTSCRIPT: In case anyone hadn't guessed, I am a white male, not in the least ashamed of that, but damned proud of America's growing acceptance of diversity and multiculturalism, in all their aspects. My mother raised me for that, and I thank her. Memo to Rush and the rest: There are a lot of us out here.