Wednesday, May 14, 2008

West Virginia

I don't think that Hillary Clinton's big primary victory in West Virginia says much about her or about Barack Obama, but it does say a lot about West Virginia seizing the opportunity to be known as a state of (a) racists, and (b) cretins who believe that Obama is a Muslim, a terrorist, etc. (as was widely reported in the press). This is an unfortunate strategy for a state that is already among the most looked-down-upon. Kentucky, your chance is coming up!

Lest anyone construe my remarks as elitist -- hey, I am an elitist, I cheerfully admit it. Unlike Obama, I don't have to answer to anyone for it. I know there are great minds and noble souls in West Virginia, but that won't be the take-away here.

Speaking of (reverse) elitism, Hillary's attempts to re-brand herself as "jes folks" provoke great mirth in my quarter. I think a degree from Yale Law School, let alone occupancy of the White House, disbars one from common man status ever after. I always kind of liked Hillary and thought she was unjustly maligned, but my regard for her has been slipping rapidly during this campaign. I don't think any of the three possible Presidents before the electorate is a bad choice, and all are much better than what we've had lately, but I think Clinton has really damaged herself -- and it was entirely her choice.

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