Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mike D'Angelo

Mike D'Angelo, like so many film critics, has hit hard times:

Despite my feuding relationship with MD'A going way back, I was moved to read about this, and I commented in his blog:

"Mike, you and I butted heads regularly during my time in the web-group Cinemasters... Nonetheless, I am very saddened to read of this development. No matter my disagreements with you, you are a fine professional writer, and it is quite disheartening to read what has been happening to you and other similarly situated critics. Having been a freelance writer and film critic myself long years ago, I thoroughly understand the economics of it; including the necessity of living in one of the world's most expensive cities (NYC, LA, London, Paris) in order to maintain any pretense of being connected to the main flow of cinematic events. (Not sure how Rosenbaum has gotten away with being Chicago-based all these years, it's a decent movie city but not really in the top tier.)

It's ironic that with the Internet, there are more opportunities to write about movies than ever before, and less chance of making money at it -- especially with the veritable replacement army of potential writers for any given commercial assignment.

I guess I made my peace with this situation some time ago by taking corporate employment (not "secure" -- what is, these days? -- but decently paid) in one of the more affordable reaches of small city America. It has disappointed me that I was not able to make my real interests "pay," but such is life, I guess.

I really do hope you find some decent regular gigs and can keep at it, Mike. I have always continued to read your work with interest."

UPDATE (5/1/2009): I now feel I was too kind. There was a plaintive quality to this one post of Mike's which drew my momentary sympathy, but basically he has stayed as abrasive and prima donnish as ever.

The endless way he rolls out the annual "Skandie" awards of his band of acolytes (this year it took twenty days!), and his own top ten lists, you would think he was awarding Nobel Prizes. "The world waits with bated breath..."

UPDATE (5/16/2009): Robert Kennedy at Confabulation noted that Mike D'Angelo was reporting from Cannes for The Onion, and provided the link; to which I responded:

I've got to say, although I know that I can be a little obsessive on this subject (but we all need a hobby-horse or two, right?), that reading md'a's Cannes dispatches is enough to make me think about forswearing irony for the rest of my life. I won't, of course -- but that's how bad it is, I don't even want to share the use of a technique with the guy. I am waiting patiently for a serious, elevated critical movement called The New Earnestness, or something like that; I feel that it must be coming, as a necessary reaction and corrective to all the snarking.

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