Saturday, June 6, 2009

My Wardrobe: Bow Ties

Bow tie wearers tend to fall into two classes, the Exclusives and the Occasionals. (There should be an intermediate class of Frequents, but I've never encountered them.) Myself, I'm an Occasional; I love regular ties too much to restrict myself to bows; also, I hate it when I give people reason to know what to expect. However, once or twice a month I wake up in the morning and know that the perkiness of a bow tie is just what my mood demands.

Bow ties are attention-getting; I always get comments when I wear them. And the lead comment is usually, "Do you tie that yourself?" When I answer in the affirmative, I get a meaningful look of appreciation. Being able to tie a bow tie, a mystery to most men, commands the same sort of instant respect as being able to drive a stick shift (which I can't do). I don't think it's all that hard, honestly, but I don't tell people that. I enjoy tapping into the mystique.