Friday, January 14, 2011

Korean Christianity

In my private web group, my friend Robert Kennedy commented on the treatment of Korean Christianity in Lee Chang-dong's film Secret Sunshine. I responded:

You have Korean Christianity and the "everpresent cheerful smile" well-pegged. It is something of a national joke, because even though Christians are numerous, non-Christians run for cover when they are around. Christian proselytizing, although seemingly sunny and benign, is intense, and not just for Jehovah's Witnesses anymore, although they too are plenty active here (and by "here" I really mean "here," as in the walkway outside my apartment). Frankly, I have never encountered a variety of religion that is so resolutely simple-minded as Korean Christianity. I have one student whose personal relationship with Jesus, described exhaustively in class every day, is reminiscent of a child's relationship with his imaginary friend. Or have you met Harvey, the six-foot rabbit standing next to me? Like that.

Another student told me that, if I was accosted by a Korean Christian, as I surely would be, I should say that I am "busy, or a Buddhist." Then she paused. "On second thought, say that you are busy. They will not believe that you are a Buddhist."

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